=========================== Perfect Coin Toss ==================================
Our goal is to pick a random bible passage with a certified random number that can be verified just like checking lottery numbers.
To a scientist, the National Institute of Standards random numbers are obviously trustworthy. A ignorant person doesn’t know the difference between the National Institute of Standards and a tabloid.
Arizona has a lottery drawing every week: Arizona Lottery
NIST has a drawing every 60 seconds: NIST Randomness Beacon
To check a random Bible passage that I quote:
1) Enter the time of the lottery into Unix Timestamp Tool.
2) Form a URL by adding “https://beacon.nist.gov/beacon/2.0/pulse/time/”+timestamp number.
For example: https://beacon.nist.gov/beacon/2.0/pulse/time/1415440980
3) Take the first 5 hex digits from “Output”.
4) Convert to decimal.
5) Divide by 100091 and take remainder.
6) Add one.
7) Go to that line in the KingJamesBible.